Sam Trenholme's webpage
This article was posted to the Usenet group alt.hackers in 1995; any technical information is probably outdated.

Re: Term

Article: 7426 of alt.hackers
From: (Johnny Yuma)
Newsgroups: alt.hackers
Subject: Re: Term
Date: 20 Feb 1995 06:50:57 GMT
Organization: University of Michigan Engineering, Ann Arbor
Lines: 29
Approved: Blech.. forgot this the first time... ;/
Message-ID: 3i9e4h$
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Status: RO

Mark (Mookie) ( wrote:
[deleted term stuff]
: I use it exclusively as I have modified it to be one way, i.e. noone
: externally can get into my machine, so its more secure than slip or
: ppp and possibly tia.

kill -9 `ps -aux|grep inetd|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'`

Removing inetd does amazing things for the security of a system.  You might
also want to look at hosts_access(5).

: ObHack: Encrypted dcc chat and multi dcc chat in irc.o


/on -EXEC "LS *" exec mv $1 $tolower($1)
/exec -name ls ls *


/on ^exec "ls *" /dcc send $nick $1;/echo *** Sending $1 to $nick
/alias megasend /exec -name ls ls $1-;/^assign nick $0

Everyone should know of all information that others have deemed unfit for for
public knowledge. -Author Unknown | GAT/CS -d+ H s++:++ g+ p2+ au- a-- w+++ v-
C++++ UL+++(++++) P+>++ L++(+++) 3- E N+++@ K---- W--- M-- V-- -po+ Y+
t 5- j
R- G tv-- b+++ D+ B- e u--- h! f+ !r !n y? <>

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