Sam Trenholme's webpage
This article was posted to the Usenet group alt.hackers in 1995; any technical information is probably outdated.

Re: Sendmail security holes..

Article: 7476 of alt.hackers
From: (ImAMoron)
Newsgroups: alt.hackers
Subject: Re: Sendmail security holes..
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 95 04:40:04 GMT
Organization: What' that?
Lines: 35
Approved: But of course
Message-ID: 3j8qv4$
X-Newsreader: News Xpress Version 1.0 Beta #3
Status: RO

In article <3irudi$>, (Noone)
}In article <3irmns$>,
} (Sam Trenholme) wrote:
}> is not a Sparcstation. It is a Sequent Symmetry
}>machine, running, I believe, 20 386-dx16 processors in paralell.
}Hmmm... I thought they were 20's...  but I think you're right.
}>I then typed "cat > /dev/ttyd00" and typed in "AT
s0=1" multiple
}Generally it means that the xyplex is just overloaded...  But that
}works for
}me.  You might try sending the modems thier full init strings too.
}UNIXer *+* Yep... thier it goes again, whaddya thing SIGEV - Core Dump

Well, My turn to ask a stupid question.  Why is UNIXer using a windoze

Same one I'm using, but I'm starting to wonder what else it can do.


Have you figured out how to make it cancel a post when the originator used an
invalid address?

    The Gentleman

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