Sam Trenholme's webpage
This article was posted to the Usenet group alt.hackers in 1995; any technical information is probably outdated.

Re: Printing Hack

Article: 7563 of alt.hackers
From: (Erik Geiger)
Newsgroups: alt.hackers
Subject: Re: Printing Hack
Date: 30 Mar 1995 15:26:39 GMT
Organization: U of Wisconsin CS Dept
Lines: 31
Approved: Yup!!
Message-ID: 3leijf$
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL0]
Status: RO

I just noticed that I managed to mung my post somewhat.  I'm a lousy typist,
so my apologies.  The main portion of the post that was messed up was the line
naming the Apple System 7 chooser extension that has the postscript print to
file capabilities.  It is Laserprinter 8.0.

Once again, I apologize for the asthetic defects of my post.

I posted again, so now I need another ObHack:

When prowling around in Connectix RamDoubler vers. 1.3 with ResEdit, I found
a resource that had a setting for the factor by which RAM Doubler would in-
crease your virtual RAM.  I set it up to 3x and 4x at different times and it
didn't seem to make a difference in the perfomance of my Mac.  Since RAM
doublerworks by 1) dynamically reallocating unused RAM from running
applications, 2) bycompressing the data in RAM and 3) by creating a swap
file for compressed data
(since the swapping causes a noticable slow down, it is the last resort), I
figure that messing that setting probably simply cause RAM Doubler to work
"tighter".  I figure I wouldn't have seen a slow down, except if
I had actually
been using all 24 megs of virtual RAM.  I even ran Speedometer (a popular share
ware benchmarking program for the Mac) and the slowdown even at 4x seemed to be
A little while later, someone else who'd discovered this independantly wrote a
control panel for the Mac which set this factor without ResEdit tweaking.  I
believe it was called MaxRAM, or somesuch.

|    |Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards; |
| |for they are subtle and quick to anger.  |
|                                  |  -- J.R.R. Tolkien                      |


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