Re: Auto pgp-sign news hack
Article: 4538 of alt.hackers From: (Sam Trenholme) Newsgroups: alt.hackers Subject: Re: Auto pgp-sign news hack Date: 4 Apr 1995 08:41:51 GMT Organization: LLNL Laser Modeling & Optimization Lines: 53 Approved: Almost forgot this. Good thing ~/.article was still around. Message-ID: 3lr0of$ NNTP-Posting-Host: Cc: Status: RO
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Actually, the crossposting to comp.sources.misc actually getting posted was a mistake... I *thought* Inews was smart enough to mail it to the moderator instead of posting the article. I guess you can not underestimate the stupidity of news programs. I canceled the offending article upon realising the mistake, and emailed the moderator an apology. He said he didn't feel it was a big deal, btw. Well, USENET is an anarchy, and I guess the only answer to forged cancels canceling forged approvals is to write a program that checks a newsgroup for an article, and if it sees the article is unavailable, reposts the article. One of these days. Oh, I have so much vaporware in my head right now. ObLameInewsHack: Removing the offending code in Inews that limits sigs to 4 lines, allowing me to have sigs as long as I want to get posted. No, I *wont* do "finger >> ~/.signature". The joys of compiling my own "trn". That's a bit weak, how about.... ObPagerHack: I wrote a small Turbo C program (120 lines) to page people. It either accepts input in the form of "page 555-5555 555-0666", which will page the pager at 555-5555 with the phone number 555-0666, or "page jen", which will page my friend Jen. THis works on my PC with a Hayes Smartmodem 2400. I wonder if it could work on a UNIX box w/ a modem, allowing someone to set up a page-server, adding a filter to make sure the pager numbers it pages are local. The command it sends to the modem is "ATDT<pager number>@<your number>#". Does anyone know if this format is universal? -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 iQBVAwUBL4EFhgUv8wmFUeQBAQEcZAH/VQEAlDvV7rJVL9CGJnD6J0OPVjv9AGDY C2YnbFDVsUWIlpkDjTL7AP6q4wDQEMYRlCpLYl9SNmhUGqOj0i3Aaw== =8Z90 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -- Sam Trenholme - Any views and beliefs are strictly my own, *not* LLNL's Low-security PGP ID:8551E401 Print:EE67AF30 B672659A 6E4F0E33 6F37884A High-security PGP ID:02991DCD Print:F49C2183 787CBC49 717524ED 25CC90C9 See primes under <foo> in UNIX. Type this in your shell: awk -F<foo> '\ BEGIN{while(++a<FS){for(b=i=1;i&&b<sqrt(a);)i=a%++b;if(i)printf a" "}}'