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This article was posted to the Usenet group alt.hackers in 1995; any technical information is probably outdated.

Re: Electronic Highway Signs

Article: 7634 of alt.hackers
From: (Michael Lea)
Newsgroups: alt.hackers
Subject: Re: Electronic Highway Signs
Followup-To: alt.hackers
Date: 9 Apr 1995 15:10:36 -0400
Organization: Express Access Online Communications, Greenbelt, MD USA
Lines: 37
Message-ID: 3m9bfc$
Summary: it's almost summary here!
Status: RO

In article <3m2i6g$>, marlowe <>
>The highway near my house in Houston has just installed those electronic
>highway signs that show up all over the country. To be precise, these are
>permanent, tall, and have bulbs as pixels.
>I drove past one the day after they were put up, and I could have sworn
>it printed "Hi.   -- Sign." Shades of _LA Story_. I have
decided though
>that it was printing "Highway Sign Test", but I misread it.
>Still it has got me wondering, is there anyway to hack one of these? How
>are they programmed. Others in town have highway conditions on them.
>How to the official types communicate with the sign? Radio? Phone? Direct

On a related note, there is extensive road construction going on near
where I live.  They have a couple of those signs that have bright purple
back-lighting and green letters, they are used to notify drivers of road
closings.  One day I drove past one and it had "TED WAS HERE"
I laughed and laughed...

ObHack:  er, um...  Sorry, I can't think of anything I've hacked up
recently, but a woman I work with recently showed me one of her hacks. We
work for a school and they wanted to hook the bells in the building with
the library and gym in it to the bells in the main classroom building.
It's a good distance between the two, and there are no direct wires
between the two.  So my friend ran 4 wires off of the original bell
system, patched them into the phone system, jumped through 3 punchdown
blocks in three different building and ended up in the library.  She
spliced the four wires there  back into one and ran the bells over there
off of it.

All of life is		     //
		  aMAZE.  //


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