Sam Trenholme's webpage
This article was posted to the Usenet group alt.hackers in 1995; any technical information is probably outdated.

*Sigh* (Was Re: Proposal: :))

Article: 7636 of alt.hackers
From: (James Hines)
Newsgroups: alt.hackers
Subject: *Sigh* (Was Re: Proposal: :))
Followup-To: alt.hackers
Date: 10 Apr 1995 04:45:25 GMT
Organization: University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Lines: 27
Approved: Not really, but hey..
Distribution: world
Message-ID: 3mad55$
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Status: RO

Tommy Usher ( wrote:
   [A bunch of stuff with NO OBHack]

  sigh, ya know, i don't know what you were babbling about or WHY you had
to crosspost it to alt.hackers.. but nevertheless.. Ya know, it's been
getting pretty bad lately.. lots of post with no ObHacks..
  Anyways, I was just browsing my favorite group.. gotta do an oral
report on Computer Hackers and figured i'd look for some inspiration
here.. no such luck.. Damn.. gotta think of an OBHack now..

  down here at UmassAmherst, we've got some not-so-cool DecSystem 5500's
as our main (UNIX) machines.. (the vaxen don't really count <g>) anyways,
a few of us wanted to run ytalk... but, none of the new versions
compiled.. (we were stuck with like 2.0 or so..) so I took a look at the
source, and tryed to see if i could get v3.2 to compile. Finally i got it
to compile, but it would SegFault.. that's no good.. damn, guess i've
gotta get dirty.. so I started looking through the source.. i found some
system calls which titan didn't seem to like, and i removed them, and the
program compiled fine.. unfortunatly, if you tryed to use the
built-in-shell-in-the-window-function (tm) it would not let you back to
normal ytalk mode.. so i had to disable that.. which was easily
accomplished with a little more source code tweeking. *sigh* perhaps
that's more of a kludge then a hack, but it's the best I've got..

 (btw: if anyone on titan wants it, or has a better solution, email me!)

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