Re: OBHack...
Article: 7694 of alt.hackers From: Newsgroups: alt.hackers Subject: Re: OBHack... Date: 20 Apr 1995 22:53:27 GMT Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Lines: 40 Approved: me Message-ID: 3n6ol7$ NNTP-Posting-Host: Status: RO
In article <3mvu3r$>, Diversion <> wrote: > wrote: >: ObHack: > >: A vi-macro plot program to go with my vi calculator. Basically, >: you just give it a list of numbers and it puts an '*' in the approriate >: position. Really easy to do actually. > >Ok, the plotter shouldn't be too hard (given something like a >screen of all blanks), but I can't figure out how a calculator would >be done. Any pointers/source? > Actually, it runs under nvi, and some vi's (but not most.) The trick is the # command, present in nvi and a few real vi's, which increments or decrements a number. Given, eg, 4#+ will add 4 to a number, the rest is trivial. Heres mine, which handles +,- and *. I never bothered doing / map + "cPA#^[$"bp map - "cPA#^[$"bp map * "aPA#+^["zddo@z^[^"bP map g 1G"ayww"byww"cywGo^[o^[k"aPj@b"dYk@dddj"ey$dd1G3dw"eP A simpler version, that handles + and - is map g 1G"ayww"byww"cywGk"aPj"cPA#^[$"bp"dYk@dddj"ey$dd1G3dw"eP ObHack: Hmm...can't think of one. Use that above for the moment. ObFutureHack: Implementing above to run under all vi's. Lessee...probably lookup tables would be the best way to do it.