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This article was posted to the Usenet group alt.hackers in 1995; any technical information is probably outdated.

Re: Mac Schemtics...

Article: 7932 of alt.hackers
From: (James Rosemary)
Newsgroups: alt.hackers
Subject: Re: Mac Schemtics...
Date: 29 May 1995 14:33:56 GMT
Organization: University of Delaware, Newark
Lines: 23
Approved: Mayleen G. Snyder, Sloopy's lover
Message-ID: 3qcm0k$
Status: RO

In article <3qc13m$p05@alterdial.UU.NET>,
Sloopy Malibu <> wrote:
>	i debug jim rosemary's code.....i guess that aint enough...but should

  Don't you just hate these damn wannabe hackers?

  My terminal program back logs 24K of data and uses it for scroll back and
a printer buffer. I didn't like seeing things like ^[[4m in my printer
listings, so I decided to convert such codes into something my printer
can understand. When a vt escapeis detected, a control code pointer is set
to a non-zero value correspodning to the position in an array of the
appropritate printer code. When a it's time to output a character to the
printer, the value of this pointer is checked. If zero, the character
comes from the buffer. If non-zero, it indexes and array to get the
character and is incremented. If the character from the array is a
terminating character, the pointer is reset to zero and normal operation


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