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This article was posted to the Usenet group alt.hackers in 1995; any technical information is probably outdated.

Re: A useful .COM proggy:

Article: 8662 of alt.hackers
From: (Bruce Tomlin)
Newsgroups: alt.hackers
Subject: Re: A useful .COM proggy:
Date: 21 Sep 1995 10:39:43 -0700
Organization: San Antonio, TX
Lines: 22
Approved: me
Message-ID: 43s80v$
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Status: RO

Thomas G. Schumm ( wrote in alt.hackers:
>I want to be able to check to see if I have e-mail without having to
>going to a lab or unlocking my dorm room and loging on.  The solution?
>Put an LED in the peephole and have it light up or blink or something when
>I have mail.  I could even have it blink differently depending on who sent
>me the mail.  Of course, I don't want to devote some useful port to one
>led, so I'll hook it up to my pc speaker pins and have a program control
>that.  I'll probably have it hooked up through my key lock so that I can
>use the speaker when I'm in the room.  I've also thought about hooking it
>up to a floppy light; I haven't decided which would be better.

Why not just make the floppy light itself flash?  (ObHack:) I once made a
program to flash the floppy light (I think I even made it blink back and
forth between A: and B:), but I don't know where I put it, so don't ask.

But I know it can be done.
   _	Sir Bruce, K'niggit of Usenet  Tired: baseball cards
 _| ~-			|    fnord	o=|===>		Wired:
 2600 cartridges
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   \(			| Destructo-tabbed [tm] for your protection...	  McQ!

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